Jan 26, 2017
If you’ve driven down Northeast 18th St. in Bend the last few months you might have noticed a pretty large structure going up next to the brewery…
Well guess what?! It’s our new packaging facility! Jimmy took a crew on a tour a few days ago to show us some of the new toys we’ll have to play with. Check it out.
We’d be lost without you Jimmy! No literally we would… Jimmy was our tour guide. He’s been hard at work setting up the new space and he can’t wait to sink his claws into the shiny new toys setup here for him and his team to continue creating and shipping out the best beer possible.
The new building is 60,000 square feet total. We asked our accountant (because he’s smart) how many beers side-by-side it would take to fill up that floor space. Apparently the answer is 1.5 million bottles of beer… Who’s thirsty?
It’s a bird, it’s a plane… nope that’s the sky bridge that will carry beer from the brewery into the new packaging facility. Most of the new building will be dedicated to packaging actually. Once we have that all moved next door it’s going to free up a ton of space in our current building for more tanks and a larger cellar room. This will give our brewers a huge break in capacity and let them focus on creating cool specialty beers and barrel-aged products.
We’ll have a new line that can fill up 240 bottles or cans a minute! The new keg filler will top off a full keg about every minute, which is up to three times faster than our existing one. Plus we’re installing a new pasteurizer to use on our wild sours and fruit heavy beers to make sure those are top notch. Needless to say, we’re pretty damn excited about all that!
Besides all that good stuff, we’re also going to have about 20,000 square feet dedicated to offices as well as a brand new Pub on the eastside. Yeah that’s right, pretty soon you’ll be able to come down to NE 18th street and enjoy your favorite 10 Barrel beers alongside some of the best grub in town! There will be inside and outside seating, lot’s of parking, and we’ll be doing some fun events in the new space. Make sure and say hi when you stop over.
Well now that we’ve got you all excited you’re probably wondering when all this is going to be done huh? Looks like May 2017 is go time! Stay tuned to our social channels for more updates and for info on our grand opening party this spring!
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